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Set Model Pose 2 for Men (TS4)

IN GAME - Download 

 For my poses 8-9-10, i used this gun by Studio K-Creation 

How use :

Choose “Situps” on the floor (sims with “active” trait recommended to see the interaction)
or insert “a_sitUps_loop_standard_x” in the command of Pose Player (by Andrew) to see it directly.                                                                              • Put the bike properly
Enjoy !! (^‿^)

Sims 4 Model - Chad (Hair//Top(EA)//Gloves//Bottom//Shoes)

# the sims # the sims 4 # ts4cc # ts4 custom content # ts4recommended # my CC # my pose # my poses # pose # poses sims 4 # ser pose sims 4 # Chad # pose for men # futuristic police bike # sims 4 conversion # kijiko-sims # hairstyle by kijiko # Studio K-Creation # karzalee # gloves & gun by Karzalee # madlensims # shoes by madlensims # gun pose # picture # conceptdesign97sims # ts4 poses
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