
*hair by @Skysims @S-Club @Ryuffy @ShojoAngel @Stealthic @Kijiko @Anto @Stealthic @Rope
*F outfits by @Marigold @Rusty
*F shoes by @Madlen @Marigold
*M tops by @YounZoey @Toksik @KK
*M pants by @Chisimi @OnyxSims @YounZoey @KK @Rusty
*M shoes by @DreamTeamSims
*accessories by @S-Club @Salem-C @Kiru @Black @Marigold @Ryuffy

*Dog Ears by @Kiru
***真的很謝謝 好朋友***

*pose by me @myBlog
Thanks to all the CC creators and YOU♡
I always appreciate your Like, Reblog, lovely photos and messages of support!
Thank you so much! 감사합니다. ☜♡☞

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