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Aurora Living - A Sims 3 Conversion

My first set in quite a while! I’d like to start off with a big thanks to Daer0n, whose mesh conversions I used as a base for this set. She also converted a few other objects from this set if you wanted to check those out.  I have re-textured each of these objects completely to better match The Sims 4.

This set contains six objects, all pictured above separately except for a new end table that I created by modifying the coffee table.  The sofa and chairs come in 150 swatches, 10 Maxis match woods and Peach’s basics palette. The clock comes in 15 colors, Peach’s basics. The tables come in 10 Maxis match woods.  I know I went a bit crazy with swatches, but I love having options.  Download after the break.

Download Here

Please let me know if there are any issues. If you have any request for other items, feel free to send me an Ask.

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